Friday, February 19, 2010

Weeks 7 & 8 Update!

Hello everyone!

Hope you are doing fantastic! It's been a big couple of weeks here so without delay here are some updates!!!

1. I'M IN BELIZE! What? Yea, that's right, Belize! If you recall, when I first signed up for this trip I originally was supposed to be here, but due to some governmental issues the boats were "kicked out" and thus ended up in Honduras which is where I've been for the past 2 months. Well, over the past few weeks Chris (the director of Destination Paradise) has been working really hard to settle the governmental dispute to get the boats back in Belize, and finally this week he did! So on Tuesday we made an 18 hour overnight sail from Honduras to Belize and will be spending the next month here. The sail up here was so amazing. The stars were out and it was just us and open ocean. Nothing like it!! When we woke up in the morning, there was a ton of dolphins swimming right in front of our boat, welcoming us to Belize!
We are currently docked at a marina near Belize City and will be here for the next few days. We then will be sailing north to the Destination Paradise base to meet the rest of the DP staff and the diver's DTS. So we are all really looking forward to that! Praise God that we were able to come back to Belize and that we got here safely!

2. I'M GOING TO INDIA! Yea!! Last week the staff announced the location of our outreach and India it is! So on March 26 we'll be leaving Belize and heading to India for two months. Many of the details are still being worked out, but we'll most likely be in Delhi. The work that we'll be doing is also still being determined, but the staff has some good contacts there in India and are working with them to get everything arranged. I never dreamed I'd be going to India but am SO excited! We have been praying so much for this country and for it's people and we are all really excited to be there and be a part of God's vision for this country! I know He is going to do huge things and I'm excited to see how His plans unfold. I'll definitely keep you all posted on the details of the trip as they are worked out!

3. I'M GOING ON STAFF WITH DESTINATION PARADISE IN BELIZE! Big news here! As you know, the program I am on is a 3-part program. The lecture phase is what I'm in currently. Outreach as I said will be for 2 months in India, and the last phase is called Internship. Destination Paradise has a huge network of people they know all over the world and do a great job of matching students up with various organizations to complete their 4-month internship. Last week I was talking to Chris and just discussing some options for my internship. I told him that while I truly love the hands on, service aspects of ministry, my true passions lie more on the business/administration side of things and would love to be paired up with an organization that could use some help in those areas. Later that day, as I'm sitting with my friend in her room, Chris comes bursting through the door, his eyes all wide and says "I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but DP needs someone like you to help with social networking, support raising, and promotions!" Sooo trying to make a long story short, after some more conversations with Chris about what this would all look like and stuff, I made the decision to return to the Destination Paradise base here in Belize after outreach, and join staff not only for the 4-month internship, but also for a long term position! Read: I am going to be calling Belize home!!!! While on staff I will also have the opportunity to lead outreaches in future schools, which will be an amazing opportunity to travel and serve abroad.

I know this is a huge chunk of news to swallow! I told you it has been a big couple of weeks! But honestly I am so at peace about all this and am SO incredibly excited about it. The position with Destination Paradise is like a dream come true. I am so excited to be able to use my experience in advertising/promotions to support this amazing ministry. God has completely knocked my socks off here and I am so excited to be able to share that experience with other people.

In other news, as I am writing this I am working on the FB picture upload. I've got about half my pictures up and will try to put up the rest later! But you can go on and see what's up there for now!

Also, I know I say it all the time, but I again want to express my sincerest THANKS to you all for your support, prayers, emails, and LOVE. I appreciate so much that you are reading and following my blog and all the comments and encouraging emails are such a blessing! The financial support and prayers are also amazing. I could not or would not be here without you. I really do hope that you feel like you are part of this amazing journey with me and know that your support is a blessing not only to me but also to the many people that I have or will be working with in India and beyond! So thank you!

God's blessings and my love to you all!!



  1. OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH!!! This is all so incredible Britt! I am THRILLED for you and how amazingly faithful God is!! I don't know what to say besides praise the Good Lord!! Seriously. I have been continually praying for you and just want you to know how proud I am of you taking this journey in your life and to see these pieces coming together is such an encouraging sign that you are right where God wants you. Way to follow your heart Britt!! Psalm 37:4! And now, India! Woo-hoo! And Belize! Right where you wanted to be! Now I can tell you ( or maybe I already told you?) that Mike and I actually rode our bikes past the YWAM base in Belize, and you are in for a treat!! It's so beautiful there, maybe we'll just have to come back for Honeymoon Round 2! Love you so much Britt!

  2. Brittany!! I cannot believe what I'm reading. I just can't. This so takes me back to the first time I ever came to babysit for you and Geoff.. You were three years old, sitting at the breakfast table in your little bright red jumper with a red bow in your hair. So cute.

    You and Geoffrey captured my heart. Now, to know that you are following just makes me so, so happy. I would love to hear your story, girl. I'm dying to know how it all came about.

    I'm terribly proud of you and what you're doing. I can feel your peace and excitement and passion, your heart for God. It just shines in your words.

    Rest assured, I'll be praying for you as He brings you to my mind. You have two fans here in Wakarusa rooting for you, you can know that for sure.

    Bless you, dear girl.

